Elite life

Luxembourg (Luxembourg Recipes)

World Cuisine Recipes


   Luxembourg recipe is heavily influenced by the German, French and Belgian culinary delights. The sole reason behind it is their close proximity to Luxembourg. In some of the recipes of Luxembourg, there are also traces of Italian and Portuguese influences. Luxembourg recipe includes a variety of starters, fish dishes, meat dishes, snacks as well as desserts. Some of the starters of Luxembourg are Gromperekniddelen (Potato Dumplings), Brennesselszopp (Nettle Soup), Bouneschlupp (Green Bean Soup) and Gromperenzopp ( Potato Soup).
   There are also a number of recipes at Luxembourg that are prepared from fish. Theses recipes are Pike in Green Sauce, Friture De La Moselle, Crayfish Luxembourg Style, Trout in Riesling Sauce, Mussels Luxembourg Style and so on. Some of the snacks of Luxembourg that are very popular are Gromperekichelcher, Suckling pig in Aspic, Meat and wine pie, Pork in Aspic, etc. The meat dishes of Luxembourg include Ham in Hay, Chicken in White Wine, Smoked Collar of Pork with Broad Beans and so on. The people of Luxembourg love taking desserts. Some of the salivating desserts are Plum Tart, Verwurrelt Gedanken, Cheese Cake, Gingerbread men, Apple Cake, etc.
Potato Dumplings (Gromperekniddelen)

1½ cups cold mashed potatoes
2 eggs beaten
¼ cup flour
¼ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
Cooking Instructions:
Mix thoroughly, shape into balls on floured board and drop into boiling salted water (1 tsp. salt). Cover and boil 25 minutes. Garnish with buttered browned bread crumbs.
Trout in Riesling Sauce (F'rell am Rèisleck)
Servings: 4
4 nice trout (1/2 lb. each)
7 fluid oz dry Riesling or Elbling
10 fl oz fresh cream
2 oz unsalted butter
3 shallots
A pinch of chervil
A twig of tarragon
Cooking Instructions:
Clean, wash and dry the trout with a cloth. Sprinkle them with salt, pepper and flour. Melt the butter in a pan and fry the trout gently 2 to 3 minutes on each side. Meanwhile butter a stew pan and place the trout in it. Fry the finely chopped herbs in your frying pan, add the dry Riesling wine and pour this mixture on the trout in the stew pan. Add the fresh cream, season to taste with pepper, salt and a pinch of paprika and place the stew pan into a hot oven. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes basting the trout occasionally. Take out the trout and put them on a hot plate. Boil your sauce while whisking until thick. Cover the trout with the sauce and serve, with boiled potatoes.
Friture De La Moselle (Friture)
Servings: 4
Approximately 60 small fresh water fish
4 lemons
3-4 eggs (depending on size)
Freshly milled white pepper
A bunch of parsley
Deep frying oil
Pork fat
Cooking Instructions:
First the fish should be descaled. This is done by holding the main fin and scraping the fish with a short, not too sharp knife, in the direction of the head. With a very sharp knife, slit the length of the belly of the fish and remove the entrails. Dip the fish in salt and pepper, pour the juice of the lemons over them and ensure that they are thoroughly coated. Put 150 grammes of flour in a bowl and dip each fish into it until covered. In farmhouse cooking, the fish would also be dipped in a beaten egg and drained. In a deep fryer mix oil (3/4) and pork fat (1/4) and heat to 180°C. Cook the fish in portion quantities until golden brown. Serve on a preheated plate and garnish with slices of lemon. As Friture are traditionally eaten with the fingers, it is wise to supply guests with a bowl of fresh lemon water. That is to wash their hands, and not to drink. For that purpose, Riesling is used.
Pike in Green Sauce (Hiecht mat Kraïderzooss)
Servings: 4
1 pike (1-1½ kilos)
1 bayleaf, and some peppercorns
1 carrot, 1 onion, and some celery
For the sauce:
50 g Butter
1 handful sorrel and chervil
A bunch of parsley and some chives, pepper and salt
¼ litre sweet cream
Cooking Instructions:
In order to serve the fish whole, a large fish kettle or something similar is required. Boil the vegetables and spices for 45 minutes to produce a stock to which a glass of Riesling should be added. While this is being done, clean and descale the fish. Put the stock in the fish kettle, and place the fish on the riddle therein. Bring to the boil and continue to cook, with the lid on, for about an hour. During this time butter a casserole and lightly cook the sorrel and chervil on a low heat. Pour in half a cup of stock, add the cream and boil for a short time. Add salt and pepper to taste. Lay the poached fish on a pre-heated plate. Mix the freshly chopped parsley and chives into the sauce, and immediately pour it over the fish. Serve with boiled potatoes, and a green salad. A fine Luxembourg Riesling should accompany this dish.
Crayfish Luxembourg Style (Kriibsen)
Servings: 4
48 living crayfish
2 shallots, 1 carrot
Some green celery, a sprig of thyme
Chopped parsley and tarragon
1 bayleaf
100 g butter
Salt and freshly ground pepper
¼ litre Luxembourg Riesling + ¼ litre fish stock, or
½ litre Luxembourg Riesling
Cooking Instructions:
Chop the vegetables very finely, and mix with the parsley and tarragon. Lightly fry the vegetables in 50 grams of butter, pour in the Riesling and fish stock, and simmer for twenty minutes. Do not forget the thyme and bayleaf. Add salt and pepper to taste. Now send sensitive people from the kitchen and take the crayfish. First of all make sure they are all alive. Place sieve ready, take a crayfish and lay it on a chopping board. Hold the tail in one hand, and take hold of the central fins, tearing them out in one movement, twisting at the same time. Make sure the thin blue-black intestine is thoroughly removed, as it tastes terrible. Place the simmering vegetables on a very high heat and bring to a boil. Throw the crayfish straight in together. Cover and continue to boil hard. Stir from time to time. They are ready in about ¼ hour. Serve on a very hot dish. Having mixed in the rest of the butter, pour the contents of the pan over the crayfish and garnish with the parsley. The meal should be eaten with one's fingers, and a fine Luxembourg Riesling should be served as an accompaniment.
Mussels Luxembourg Style (Moulen)
Servings: 4
3-4 kilos cleaned mussels
2 leeks, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1-2 shallots
1 large stick of celery and some celery leaf
A bunch of parsley
5 bulbs of garlic
½ bottle of Riesling
150 g butter
Pepper and Salt
A sprig of thyme
2 tarragon leaves
Cooking Instructions:
Clean all the vegetables, except the garlic, and chop them very finely. Allow the butter to reach room temperature so that it is soft.
Lightly fry the onion and shallots in 50 grammes of butter in a large pot, and add all the chopped vegetables and the thyme and tarragon, also finely chopped. Pour ¼ of Riesling, and allow to simmer for a quarter of an hour. During this time, crush the garlic, and mix with the remaining 100 grammes of butter. To this add a little freshly milled pepper. Put the pot on a very high heat, and drop the mussels into the boiling contents, pouring in the rest of the wine. Cover firmly. Every two minutes stir with a circular movement to make sure the mussels do not remain at the bottom of the pot. After ten minutes almost all the mussels should have opened. Now put the garlic butter in the pot. In two or three minutes, with regular stirring, the sauce should have mixed thoroughly. Sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley, and serve immediately.

Black Pudding (Trèipen)

Grind and add:
2 cooked cabbages
4 raw onions
3 or 4 slices dry bread (soak in water meat was cooked in)
1½ handful salt
½ handful pepper
Small handful herbs
Cooking Instructions:
Add pig's blood (about 3/4 litre) and 3 or 4 cups water meat was cooked in and mix well. Fill casings with mixture. Then cook rings of Trèipen in boiling water in open kettle. Sausages are done when clear juice spurts out when they are punctured with needle. Hang sausages to cool. When ready to use, heat well in frying pan or in oven.
Ham in Hay (Haam am Hée)

1 shoulder of ham, lightly smoked, of about 4 kilos
3-5 litres water
Cooking Instructions:
Take a very large metal container, even a washing boiler, and pad it out with the hay. Pour between three and five litres of water over the hay. Lay the ham on the hay in such a manner that it does not touch the water, so that it is cooked by steaming. If necessary add hay during the cooking process. The pot should be covered. Place the pot on the heat. From time to time add water, to replace that which has evaporated. Cooking time is about 20 to 25 minutes per half kilo. The cooked ham should be presented on a bed of hay, and served with pommes frites and salad.
Chicken in White Wine (Hong am Rèisleck)
Servings: 4

1 chicken of about 1.5 kilos
4 shallots, a clove of garlic and parsley
75 g butter
100 g cream
1 egg-yolk
¼ litre Riesling, and a small cup of meat stock
1 tablespoon flour
1 spirit measure of Cognac
150 g mushrooms
Salt, pepper and a little nutmeg
2 tablespoons oil
Cooking Instructions:
Quarter the chicken, and lightly brown them in half the butter in a stewing pan for about 5 minutes, then season. Put in the shallots, parsley and garlic, finely chopped. Continue to cook on a low heat. Flambé the meat with the Cognac, and then pour in the Riesling and the stock. Simmer on a low heat for thirty minutes. Chop the mushrooms and fry them lightly in the remaining butter. Then add them to the pot. A few minutes before the end of the cooking time, blend the flour, cream and egg- yolk. Pour this sauce over the meat without cooking further, and season to taste. Serve hot with noodles or dumplings.
Tripe (Kuddelfleck)
Servings: 4
750 g boiled tripe
2 eggs
Flour, salt and pepper
High temperature oil
For the Sauce:
1 shallot, 2 gherkins, 2 teaspoons of capers
Parsley and chives
50 g butter
1 heaped tablespoon of flour
½ litre broth or meat stock
Cooking Instructions:
Tripe is available ready boiled at the butcher's shop. Cut it into rectangles of 5 x 8 cm. Take two soup bowls. In one mix the eggs, salt and pepper. Put the flour in the other. Dip the pieces first in the egg, and then in the flour. In the meantime the oil has been heated in a pan. The pieces are then fried on both sides until crispy. Put the pieces when cooked on a preheated plate covered with a paper napkin.
   Preparation of the sauce: It is best to prepare the sauce prior to frying the tripe. It takes about twenty minutes to cook. Fry the finely chopped shallots in some butter, and place to one side. Melt the rest of the butter on a strong heat. Sieve and stir in the flour, allowing it to brown. Take the pot from the heat and slowly add the stock, still stirring. Cook for a while longer, stirring occasionally. Add a good slug of Elbling, or other dry white wine. Add the cooked shallots, the gherkins, finely chopped, and the capers. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and perhaps Tabasco. Add the parsley and chopped chives. Serve with boiled potatoes, and a good Elbling. This dish can equally be prepared with a tomato sauce.
Pork in Aspic (Jhelli)

1 pork shank, 1 veal bone
3 pork hocks or feet
1 onion, 2 bay leaves, 2 carrots
2 celery stalks
½ teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
Cooking Instructions:
Boil all ingredients together until tender. Cut meat or grind when cold. Strain broth while hot. Add meat and 1 cup vinegar to broth. Let simmer 10 or 15 minutes. Add 1 package unflavoured gelatine which has been dissolved in 1/4 cup cold water. Pour into bowls and leave to cool.
Jugged Hare (Huesenziwwi)
Servings: 4
1 young hare of about 2 kilos with its blood and liver
1 teaspoon wine vinegar
100-150 g speck
200 g Boletus or wild mushrooms
A little fat and 2 tablespoons of flour
3 tablespoons Cognac
½ litre soured cream
1 slice of bread
For the marinade:
1 bottle of good red wine, preferably Burgundy
3 shallots, 1 carrot, 3 cloves garlic
Best olive oil
Sage, thyme, bay leaves, cloves and tarragon
Cooking Instructions:
Chop the speck, put it in cold water and bring to the boil, then dry in a sieve. Fry the speck in some fat until crisp. In the meantime take the hare from the marinade and allow to dry. Put the hare pieces in the hot fat. Flambé with the Cognac, stirring thoroughly. Pour the flour over the meat, and steadily add the marinade until the meat is covered. Add the vegetables and herbs. Cover the pot and cook on a low heat for about 1½ hours. A quarter of an hour before completion, add the mushrooms. Serve the hare pieces on a preheated plate. Carefully sieve the cooked marinade and pour it back into the pot, adding the speck. Continue to cook. Mix together the blood, the liver and the soured cream, adding some Cognac. Then stir this into the contents of the pot. It should cook no more. It is now ready to serve. Serve with noodles and red cabbage. A good red wine is a vital accompaniment.
Special Pastry (Verwurrelt Gedanken)

750 g flour
2 eggs
4 oz butter
½ teaspoon bicarbonate
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon sugar
½ cup milk
1 grated lemon rind
Cooking Instructions:
Prepare a dough and put on a pastry board, leave for one hour. Then roll out and cut into thin strips, approx. 4-5 inches long, knot them and put on a slightly floured board, cover with a cloth for about 10-15 minutes to allow mixture to settle. Deep fry in hot fat until golden brown, drain and sprinkle with icing sugar. One could use yeast instead of bicarbonate in which case the pastry would not be as crisp.
Cheese Cake (Kèiskuch)

2 cups flour
1 tablespoon sugar
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup butter
2 teaspoons baking powder
2/3 cup milk
1 pound curd cheese
3 eggs beaten
½ cup cream
Juice and rind from 1/2 lemon
¾ cup sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
Cooking Instructions:
Mix dry ingredients, add shortening, then milk. Roll and place in a cake tin. For Filling: Mix and pour on dough, bake at 375°C for 35 minutes. Use only the egg yolks in the filling. You may use the egg whites to make a Meringue separately.

World Cuisine Recipes


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